[opencms-dev] Workflow 7.0.4 Import of the Springmanager module

Pomegranate Software- Arash Kaffamanesh arash.kaffamanesh at pomegranate.de
Thu May 22 16:39:40 CEST 2008

Hi Gerda,

after the import there have been some problems publishing the 
hibernate3.jar obviously ;-), I would suggest to restart your tomcat and 
then try to re- import it, if it was not successful, then try to publish 
the module manually (go to the module folder under system/modules and 
publish the whole sprinmanager module folder), you have to check also if 
the jar has been exported under opencms/WEB-INF/lib folder.

Ahhh, I guess, not sure, but if you are using MySQL check also the 
max_allowed_packet value and set it higher than 1MB and restart mysqld 
(see also set upload size on this post 
<http://www.pomegranate.de:9000/cms/forum/viewthread?thread=23#43>), it 
could be that the jar was not imported at all (due to the limitation of 
1MB) and by publishing it didn't exist under the lib folder of the 
module and the import fell flat on his face ;-)

Best, Arash

Gerda Schilling wrote:
> I am trying to import the workflow modules of workflow2.
> First I import ...bearingpoint.opencms.common and then
> ...bearingpoint.opencms.springmanger before I can import the workflow2 
> module but I get
> 5 warnings like
> *Error publishing file 
> "/system/modules/com.bearingpoint.opencms.commons.springmanager/lib/hibernate3.jar"*
> Can anybody help me with this error.  What must I do
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