[opencms-dev] Server migration - serious opencms troubles

Jo Verelst jove at computersupport.be
Thu Jun 12 14:05:45 CEST 2008

Hello everyone,


I seriously hope I can get an answer this way, because I'm all out of

The situation is:


2 years ago, we succesfully started using opencms 6.2.2, and built a
nice website on it. It ran fine untill a decision was made to migrate

hosting server to another one.

This means that we took a mysqldump of the opencms database, and
installed opencms on the other server. Then we modified the
opencms.properties file, so it would use the correct database, but
lately, we noticed something very strange.

Our new webserver was being memory drained by opencms (so also Tomcat).
While browsing into the opencms log files, I noticed that opencms was
starting up 6! (yes six) times. Off course, this is bad.

Even worse is, that I have no idea where to start looking...


Has anyone encoutered this problem before, or does someone know a
solution to this.


Configurations are:

Old system: opencms 6.2.2, Tomcat 5.5, Windows Server 2003, MySQL 5

New system: opencms 6.2.2, Tomcat 6, Ubuntu 8.04, MySQL 5


Thank you in advance,


Jo Verelst




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