[opencms-dev] OpenCms7.0.5-CAS3.2.1.1-LDAP module released

Shi Yusen shiys at langhua.cn
Thu Sep 18 20:11:15 CEST 2008

Hi list,

I'm glad to annonce the release of OpenCms7.0.5-CAS3.2.1.1-LDAP module. 

Thanks Olivier CHIROUZE from Volvo Information Technology contribute
this release!

Olivier developed the modules of this release in OpenCms7.0.5 and
ActiveDirectory environment, and I tested it in OpenCms7.0.5, CAS3.2.1.1
and OpenLDAP2.4.8.

The new module contains 2 version:
cn.langhua.opencms.ldap_1.0.4_opencms7.0.5_java1.4.zip for JDK 1.4
cn.langhua.opencms.ldap_1.0.4_opencms7.0.5_java1.5.zip for JDK 1.5

Source code and module download:
SVN access:
username: anon
password: anon

ViewVC access:

Other improvements made by Olivier CHIROUZE including:
1. A ant task to build the module zip file
2. Choose the version of Java you want to compile in build.xml

Further Information:
1. This module uses the following processes to login:
LDAP authz:
User                          OpenCms                      LDAP
 |        userid/password        |                          |
 |--------------req------------->|          userid          |
 |                               |-----------req----------->|
 |                               |<----------res------------|
 |                               |          user dn         |
 |                               |    user dn/password      |
 |                               |-----------req----------->|
 |                               |<----------res------------|
 |<-------------res--------------|                          |

CAS + LDAP authz:
Client                  OpenCms                  CAS       LDAP
  |          a url         |                      |         |
  |----------req---------->|check permission      |         |
  |                     allowed?                  |         |
  |<---------res-----------|yes                   |         |
  |               not allowd. guest?              |         |
  |<---------res-----------|not guest             |         |
  |                a guest. has ticket?           |         |
  |                        |      to /login       |         |
  |               no ticket|---------req--------->|         |
  |<-----------------res--------------------------|         |
  |           username/password                   |         |
  |------------------req------------------------->|         |
  |                        |                      |<-authz->|
  |                        |                  logged in?    |
  |<-----------------res--------------------------|no       |
  |                        |    forward the url   |         |
  |                        |<--------res----------|yes      |
  |              a guest. has ticket?             |         |
  |                     yes|                      |         |
  |                   has CmsUser?                |         |
  |                      no|         read user info         |
  |                        |---------------req------------->|
  |                        |<--------------res--------------|
  |                 store user info               |         |
  |         the url        |                      |         |
  |<----------res----------|not a guest           |         |

2. Installation
Use OpenCms module import tool to install this module.
Use the following options to config this module.
Replace the /system/login/index.html with one sample
under /system/modules/cn.langhua.opencms.ldap/login/.

3. Configuration
There are 12 parameters of this module, you can change them in OpenCms
module management.
Attribute: a expression to mapping the username to an LDAP attribute,
such as uid=%u at langhua.cn or cn=Shi Yusen, default is uid=u%.

AuthenType: the authen type of LDAP server, default value is simple.

AuthenticationHandler: the handler to authen the user's login, can be
cn.langhua.opencms.ldap.cas.CmsCasAuthenticationHandler or
cn.langhua.opencms.ldap.openldap.CmsLdapAuthenticationHandler, default
is the LDAP one.

AutoUserRoleName: when a new user added according to the login server,
the default role type of this user. If empty, the user will be only in
the User group without any role.

BaseDN: the base DN of LDAP server, such as dc=example,dc=com. No
default value.

CasLoginUri: the uri to CAS login, default is /login.

CasUrl: the url to visit CAS server, default is

CasValidateUri: the uri to CAS validate, default is /validate.

Filter: the filter to login LDAP server, default is (objectclass=*).

Scope: the scope to search LDAP, default is sub which means search
subtree from the BaseDN.

URL: the URL of the LDAP server, ldap://localhost:389.

UseCmsLoginWhenLDAPFail: When LDAP connection or login failed, whether
using OpenCms login instead. Default value is true.

4. Bug feedback
http://www.langhua.cn/bugzilla, please use firefox to get the right UI
language for you.
Or send email to this list.

5. Trouble shooting
You can change the configuration of this module in

If you're using OpenLDAP, you have to add BaseDN parameter something
like this:
                <param name="BaseDN">o=langhua,c=cn</param>
If you want your OpenLDAP case sensitive, you can use caseExactmatch,
for example:
                <param name="Attribute">uid:caseExactmatch:=%u</param>

Enjoy it.

Shi Yusen/Beijing Langhua Ltd.

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