[opencms-dev] How get widget class associated with a A_CmsXmlContentValue?

Sandrine Prousteau s.prousteau at eurelis.com
Wed Nov 5 15:55:37 CET 2008

I'm trying to get the widget class used with a CmsXmlContentDefinition,
in order to create a custom form field for a frontend form. I can get
some widget class doing this:

CmsXmlContentDefinition cmsXmlContentDefinition =
CmsXmlContentDefinition.unmarshal(cms, xsdPath);
I_CmsXmlSchemaType schemaType =
(I_CmsXmlSchemaType)cmsXmlContentDefinition.getSchemaType(xpath) ;
	I_CmsWidget widget =

But when the content definition is for a element like:

<layout element="MyField" widget="MultiSelectWidget" 
					configuration="val1|val2" />
<layout element="MyField" widget="CategoryWidget" 
					configuration="..." />

the widget class seems to be CmsInputWidget, when I expected
CmsMultiSelectWidget and CmsCategoryWidget...
>From where is the problem?

I need this to test of which sort of content is my field, to generate
the field form associated, using the configuration of the widget.
Could you help me?

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