[opencms-dev] FLEX CACHE
Rüdiger Kurz
r.kurz at alkacon.com
Fri May 8 15:46:04 CEST 2009
Hello Julián,
The rendered output of JSP pages and elements can be cached in the so
called "FlexCache". In order to improve the performance of a site by
avoiding unnecessary generation of the same output multiple times, we
recommend to cache all JSP elements that are dynamically generated where
possible, especially navigation elements. The FlexCache is able to store
different variants of an element according to URIs, request parameters
and other values. All dynamically included JSP elements of a template
can be cached separately. So, a mixture of cached elements and
dynamically generated elements is possible. Important: the cache is
cleared automatically if something is published.
The caching of a JSP is controlled by using the "cache"-property.
Depending on the value of this property, the JSP is cached in different
-> cache=always - There is only one variant of the page generated which
is stored permanently in the cache.
-> cache=never - The element is not cached and generates it’s output for
each request.
If the property "cache" is undefined, this is equivalent to cache=never
The system supports the following keys in the "cache"-property:
- always (true)
- never (false)
- uri
- params=({param1, param2})
- no-params=({param1, param2})
- timeout={number}
- element
- ip
- locale
- encoding
- schemes
- ports
- user
- session
- site
You can download a documentation module at
Rüdiger Kurz
Alkacon Software GmbH - The OpenCms Experts
Rüdiger Kurz
An der Wachsfabrik 13
50996 Koeln, DE
Tel: +49 (0)2236 3826-0
Fax: +49 (0)2236 3826-20
Email: r.kurz at alkacon.com
Visit OpenCms Days 2009 Conference and Expo
June 15 to June 16 2009 in Cologne, Germany
Geschäftsführer: Alexander Kandzior, Amtsgericht Köln, HRB 54613
Hernandez Martínez schrieb:
> Could someone explain how does work this tool?
> thank you
> Julián
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