[opencms-dev] Rename opencms servlet to /

Yves Glodt yg at mind.lu
Wed Jul 15 15:21:21 CEST 2009


I have a situation where Tomcat6/win64 is in a DMZ behind an Microsoft ISA, and I can not use a front-apache httpd. I use opencms 7.5-jpa with Firebird 2.1.

Now the old story: I need to remove the /opencms/opencms prefix.
The first one I got rid of by installing as ROOT,war

I managed to rename the second /opencms to /web, and it works as well.
But as soon as I name it / I get 404 errors.

What I did is:
1. Changed the <context-param> called "OpenCmsServlet" from "/opencms/*" to "/*"
2. Changed the <servlet-mapping> for "OpenCmsServlet" from "/opencms/*" to "/*"
and nothing else. opencms-importexport was not touched.

Are there some special steps to take to rename the opencms-servlet?

Thanks in advance and best regards,

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