[opencms-dev] Antwort: Re: server is not reacting after a time of inactivity

Frank Pertack fpertack at vater-gruppe.de
Tue Jul 21 09:41:14 CEST 2009

Hello Christian,

so it happened again this morning, when I was the first guy to call a page
on our intranet-server.
I just get the blueish "500-Server-Error"-page, no details displayed. It
says I shall try again in a few minutes.
I checked the opencms and tomcat log-files, but there are no entries from
this morning where the incident occured.

When I wait some 20 seconds or so and press F5 - it starts normally.

   The eviction in opencms.properties is activated with the following

   # connections will be validated by evictor thread

   # number of milliseconds to sleep between runs of the evictor thread
   # -1 means no idle connection evictor thread will be run

   # number of connections tested in a run of the evictor thread

   # minimum amount of time in milliseconds a connection may be idle in the
   pool before it is eligable for eviction

   # the query to validate connections
   #db.pool.default.testQuery=SELECT STRUCTURE_ID FROM

   But what entry do I have to choose for the last "#the query to validate
   connections ..."? What is meaned by the STRUCTURE_ID, respectively, how
   can I get that ID?
   I guess the eviction will work after entering that ID and restarting
   Tomcat, right???
   Do I still have to make a cron job for calling a web-page every hour or

Where else, besides the opencms- and tomcat-logs could I find
error-messages for the error-500 page?

Thank you

Frank Pertack

Vater Solution GmbH
Liebigstraße 26
24145 Kiel

Telefon: +49 431 20084-210
Telefax: +49 431 20084-222
Mobil: +49 151 16353519
mailto: fpertack at vater-gruppe.de

Amtsgericht Kiel, HRB 6403
Klaus-Hinrich Vater
Michael Wiese
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| Von:       |
  |Christian Steinert <christian_steinert at web.de>                                                                                                    |
| An:        |
  |The OpenCms mailing list <opencms-dev at opencms.org>                                                                                                |
| Datum:     |
  |20.07.2009 07:05                                                                                                                                  |
| Betreff:   |
  |Re: [opencms-dev] server is not reacting after a time of inactivity                                                                               |
| Gesendet   |
| von:       |
  |opencms-dev-bounces at opencms.org                                                                                                                   |

Christian Steinert wrote:
      Frank Pertack wrote:

            Hello list,

            we have a problem with our opencms intranet server (Tomcat 6.0,
            java 6,
            mysql 5.0.67, opensuse-Linux 11.1).
            If after a long time of inactivity somebody calls the web-page
            of our
            intranet, he will initially get a 500-Server-Error, the server
            respond. If he retrys after a while, the start-page is
            displayed normally.

      This is really strange - you need to provide more detail though.
      - Look at the apache/tomcat/opencms logs
      - which message is shown together with the error?

P.S. Please also look at my latest response to Brett Sheeran. Maybe you
have the same problem like he has and need to activate eviction for the
opencms connection pool.

Kind Regards
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