[opencms-dev] Direct-Edit highlighbox out of place

Marc.Schlegel my.mailing.lists at gmx.de
Fri Jul 24 01:15:04 CEST 2009

Hello Again

With OC 7.5 and my new template I have the problem that the direct edit
box (that highlights the area) is totaly out of place. My template is
not doing much yet, I just prepared the main containers. The
functionality works, but it looks not very nice (I attached a picture,
the box should completely go around until the footer).

For example, I have a centered div in the body which works as the actual
page, and on the left side this red box goes behind the main div-block
(I dont have any margins/paddings yet). But even worse is it for my
structured content: it just highlights one line. All the rest of the
text just goes below it.

I dont use tables, nor does the detailspage create a full page (just
pretty simple div outlining).

<cms:include property="template" element="head" />

<cms:contentload collector="singleFile" param="%(opencms.uri)"
    <div id="product_title" />
        <cms:contentshow element="Name" />
    <div id="product_sidebar">
        <cms:contentloop element="Image">
            <img src="<cms:link><cms:contentshow/></cms:link>" />
    <div id="product_main">
        <cms:contentshow element="Text"/>

<cms:include property="template" element="foot" />

The sidebar and main are set to float:left and the container around the
content-container handles the overflow.
What could cause this problem? With my last template there where just
some minor problems (usually when images took to long to load. after a
reload everything was fine).

-- Marc (again ;) )
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