[opencms-dev] Beginner completely lost

Gregor Schneider rc46fi at googlemail.com
Fri Aug 28 17:39:10 CEST 2009

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Hi there,

I'm looking for an CMS in Java since due to our security-policy PHP is
not an option, and we don't know our ways aorund in Perl.

Therefore, OpenCMS is (was?) one of our candidates, and has been my
personal favourite until I started testing.

Giving you some background-information:

Installation 1:

- - OS: Debian Edge
- - DB. MySQL 5
- - Java: SUN JDK 1.6
- - Webserver: Tomcat 6

Installation 2:

- - OS: Windows XP
- - DB: MySQL 5
- - Java: SUN JDK 1.6
- - Webserver: Tomcat 6

On both installations I'm using OpenCMS 7.5


I know my ways around in Java, JSPs, Servlets, Tomcat-Administration,
so there should hopefully not be any lack of knowledge of essential


After having set up OpenCMS, all the questions began:

- - Where's the documentation?
- - Where's any sort of a good tutorial?
- - How do i...?

I have to setup a complete new webpage, so just editing the
demo-applications doesn't help at all.

What I'm really, really missing is a step-by-step-howto showing the following:

All tutorials / books I read just start somewhere in between showing
how to hack into existing pages, but not how to set up a new site from
And yes, I looked into the Wiki, however, the points of interest don't
contain anything but a headline.

Currently I feel that OpenCMS is one of those really bad examples of
an OpenSource-project, where the code is the docs. Ok, I'm exagerating
a bit.

So if anybody could give me a piece of advice how to set up a new page
incl. new templates, how to start, what's the best practices etc., I'd
really, really appreciate this.

My other option is to dump OpenCMS as a cms for our company, which I
really dislike, however, currently that seems to be the most likely

And yes, Ive read

- - http://opencmsnewbie.netfirms.com/
- - http://www.opencms-wiki.org

The book from Packt Publishing: OpenCms.7.Development (Apr.2008)

Again, any hints are really, really appreciated.


- --
just because your paranoid, doesn't mean they're not after you...
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