[opencms-dev] Beginner completely lost

Nacho Fernández Orellana nacho.fernandez.orellana at gmail.com
Wed Sep 2 10:28:39 CEST 2009

Hi list,

I am not surprised by some people speaking for and some people against
easiness of use of OpenCms, but what strikes me for sure is that nobody
offered (not even as a colaborative and open effort) to actually write that
"step-by-step tutorial" to build a site from scratch. I may be willing to
help a bit on that, it's just that I am quite too busy to assure Gregor I
would write that tutorial myself. On the other hand, the usual advice to
novice users is to install template-two and "dissect" it, I can't see why it
has to be "from scratch" (as we sometimes say, there's no need to re-invent
the wheel, you might find many useful snippets from template-two as a
powerful and working example). Sorry for the random thoughts.

On the documentation line (an eternal criticism about OpenCms as far as I
can remember), me and many others have been contributing to the wiki so
people can find as much information as possible, I encourage the whole
community to keep contributing that way and more if possible so we can make
the learning curve a bit less steep. As to the "from scratch tutorial", if
Gregor can define an ideal outline for that document, we may be able to
create it and fill it in the wiki bit by bit (there are greatly experienced
and less experienced but full of will individuals contributing to this
mailing list constantly). Sorry again for such a long monologue. I'll read
your thoughts on this. Greetings,

Nacho Fernandez.
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