[opencms-dev] Create a "glossary" module

Christian Steinert christian_steinert at web.de
Thu Dec 3 23:14:29 CET 2009

pasqualeb wrote:
> Hi all,
> I would ask some hint to realize a 'glossary' module working like this:
> (a) Create a directory with glossary structured elements (acronym,
> description), i.e.
> CMS, Content Management System
> (b) Filter automatically an html page content to substitute, in the
> generation of the same page, 
> the string 'CMS' with '<acronym title="Content Management
> System">CMS</acronym>'
> The (a) step can be substituted from a similar step, but the idea is that
> the glossary 'table' has to be user-driven.
The only thing that exists so far that is quite similar is the opencms 
decorator functionality -- 

However, there is no user interface. So you can either writer your own 
decorator which uses XML content (which means that you can just create 
an XML content type and then do the decoration yourself or you could 
create your own content type with its own editing interface and then use 
the decorator on your site. Both will be work, though. Especially if you 
want to write your own resource type, then you need to know quite a bit 
about opencms.

Kind regards

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