[opencms-dev] Adding a custom CmsRole

Tobias Knierim knierim at codecentric.de
Wed Jan 13 12:02:54 CET 2010

HI there,

I was wondering if it's possible to add a new role to OpenCMS and use this
role in a customized ToolHandler to set permissions.
A search in the mailing list archive gave me  this posting:

<http://mail.opencms.org/pipermail/opencms-dev/2005q4/020289.html>But where
should I create the new CmsRole? It seems that it's not sufficient to create
it in the custom ToolHandler.

"but what is if no system role (defined in the org.opencms.security.CmsRole

class) fits your needs 100%?
Just create a new role, for instance:
public static final CmsRole SAMPLE = new CmsRole("SAMPLE", "Sample Group", new
CmsRole[] {CmsRole.ADMINISTRATOR});
Every direct or indirect member of the "Sample Group" group will have this role,
and also everybody having the ADMINISTRATOR role."

Also, if I understand this correctly every user in the specified group gets
the newly created custom role, but

public static final CmsRole NEW_ROLE= new CmsRole("NEW_ROLE",
CmsRole.ADMINISTRATOR, "customgroup",false);

public boolean isVisible(CmsObject cms) {

return OpenCms.getRoleManager().hasRole(cms, NEW_ROLE);

returns false. Even if the specified user has the correct group. Any ideas?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards

Tobias Knierim
IT Consultant


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