[opencms-dev] Upgrading FCK Editor in older version of OpenCms

Schliemann, Kai K.Schliemann at comundus.com
Thu Feb 4 18:06:45 CET 2010

Hi Dylan,
no, but I try a simple translation:

This update is for FCKEditor version 2.2 to 2.4.2 within OpenCms 6.2.1
1. Prerequisites
All editor files are installed in the following directories:
The source code is in
1.1 synchronize this directory to your hard drive.
This directory ist he equvilalent oft he directory
in the original FCKeditor package.
1.2 Unzip original FCKeditor package.
2. copy source code 
2.1 copy all files and subdirectories of fckeditor of the original FCKeditor package into the directory /system/workplace/resources/editors/fckeditor/.
Doing that I used a diff programme (BeyondCompare) and copied only files which had no customer related changes.
For files with customer related changes
• /system/workplace/resources/editors/fckeditor/editor/_source/internals/
• /system/workplace/resources/editors/fckeditor/editor/_source/classes/
• /system/workplace/resources/editors/fckeditor/editor/fckconfig.js
I copy and pasted the new source code into the old files and overwrite the old code. I left out customer related changes.
2.2 After the copy action
• synchronize local directory with OpenCms-VFS 
• publish system/workplace 
• reinitialize workplace 
• clear Flexcache 
• clear Browsercache 
• restart Tomcat 
3. Skins
The new FCKEditor does not use the directory
/system/workplace/resources/editors/fckeditor/editor/skins/skin-xy/toolbar anymore.
All Icons are included in /system/workplace/resources/editors/fckeditor/editor/skins/skinxy/fck_strip.gif. If you need more icons, which do not belong to the default skin, you can copy those icons to the toolbar directory. If not, the toolbar directory can be deleted.
Therefore you can delete all icons in /system/workplace/resources/editors/fckeditor/editor/skins/opencms/toolbar/, which are not OpenCms specific. So just keep files named oc-...

You have to change the size of the oc-icons from 21x21 to 16x16. Don’t make them smaller but crop them.
4. Shortcuts
With the new version of FCKEditor you can use keyboard shortcuts. If you removed icons from the toolbar you should as well remove the shortcuts.
Do this in /system/workplace/resources/editors/fckeditor/fckconfig.js directly below the entry FCKConfig.Keystrokes by commenting out the following row.

I hope this translation helps you a little bit more, than the german version. ☺


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