[opencms-dev] Database Manager needs to be Project Manager? / Custom permissions in the AdminView

Tobias Knierim knierim at codecentric.de
Thu Feb 18 08:32:40 CET 2010

Hi there,

can somebody please tell me, if it's intended that a Database Manager needs
to be a Project Manager before he is able to import projects?
The problem is the creation of a new project for the import.
createProject in the CmsSecurityManager checks for the Project Manager Role.
" checkRole(dbc,

Why then have an DatabaseManager, when he also needs to be a ProjectManager?
The hole role concept seems a little bit sloppy to me. But maybe this is
only the case, cause I can't find any documentation. :)

Why do I ask in general.
We try to accomplish custom permissions in our AdminView.
I'm really missing out a "create Role" Button, and a part where I can set
custom permissions for the specified role.
Why bothering to write a CustomToolHandler, if the functionality of the Tool
is checking for specific roles.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards

Tobias Knierim
IT Consultant


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