[opencms-dev] Looping over files

Petr Chelčický petr.chelcicky at centrum.cz
Fri Mar 19 10:43:24 CET 2010

It seems as if there was a bug in OpenCMS here.  When I make it as simple as this:

<cms:contentload collector="allInFolder" param="ePass/faqs/|FaqFile" editable="false">
      <b><a href="${opencms.filename}"><cms:contentshow element="Title" /></a></b><br />

opencms.filename doesn't seem to resolve properly. I'm looping over a bunch of files and the macro should resolve to the filename of the FaqFile file currently read, but it always resolves only to the filename of the file in which this loop is made (i.e. it stays the same, "index.jsp"). Is there any workaround to this?


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