[opencms-dev] Editor Styles per Site not Template

Rainer Reichel rainer.reichel at rus.uni-stuttgart.de
Tue Mar 23 16:24:46 CET 2010

Hi list,

we use the same template -as usual- for a couple of sites.
As each site can include individual CSS files within the template 
we also want to reflect these in the FCK CSS assignment.
With the template property we can assign a single CSS file for FCK
only. The first thought was to create siblings of the template
for each site to assign a unique FCK CSS file. The more elegant
way seems to assign this single CSS as a JSP and let it include 
additional CSS files from each site. 
Now the question is how can I identify the edited resource
in my CSS JSP. What I see is that it's integrated in the
frame and iframe structure of workplace without any parameters.

Kind regards


OpenCms, das Enterprise Content Management System an der Universität
Mehr Infos unter http://opencms.uni-stuttgart.de/info/

Dipl.-Inf. Rainer Reichel
Rechenzentrum Universität Stuttgart
Neue Medien in Forschung und Lehre

E-Mail: rainer.reichel at rus.uni-stuttgart.de
Tel:    +49-711-685-65579
Fax:    +49-711-685-55579

Zimmer 0.74
Allmandring 3a
D-70550 Stuttgart


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