[opencms-dev] Direct Edit does not work ...

Michael Emmerich emmerich at german-navy.de
Sat Sep 11 10:41:42 CEST 2010


a simple template with direct edit would look like this:

<title><cms:property name="title" escapeHtml="true" /></title>
<cms:editable />

<h2>My first template head</h2>

<!-- Main page body starts here -->
<cms:include element="body" editable="true"/>

<!-- Main page body ends here -->

<h2>My first template foot</h2>


I would always suggest to use the taglib and not scriplet code, your 
templates/jsos will be much easier to maintain.

You might take a look in the alkacon documentation mudules as well, 
there is a basic template-how to in it.

Kind regards,

> Hi all,
> I did not use OpenCms for 2 years and I think I forgot sthg...
> In a context where I have multiple site,
> I would like to use the Direct Edit feature on a page (xmlpage) called
> index.html
> I coded a micro-template just to test and unfortunatly, even if I am
> logged / offline and in the right siteRoot ... I never get the Direct
> Edit button.
> Is somebody can help me ?
> here is the code of the template (.. basic ..)
> <%@ page import="java.util.*,org.opencms.file.*,org.opencms.jsp.*"
> buffer="none" session="false"%>
> <%
> // create a JSP action element
> CmsJspActionElement cms = new CmsJspActionElement(pageContext, request,
> response);
> // get own uri
> String uri = cms.getRequestContext().getUri();
> %>
> "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
> <html>
> <head>
> <title>Demo page with 1 element</title>
> </head>
> <body>
> <h2>Demo</h2>
> <p><!-- Editable body
> element --> <%
> CmsObject cmsObject = cms.getCmsObject();
> cmsObject.loginUser("Admin", "admin");
> CmsProject cmsproject = cmsObject.readProject("Offline");
> cmsObject.getRequestContext().setCurrentProject(cmsproject);
> cmsObject.getRequestContext().setSiteRoot("/sites/default/");
> // include editable element from the URI
> cms.include(uri, "body", true);
> %> <!-- /Editable body element --></p>
> </body>
> </html>
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