[opencms-dev] How to make a Copy of OpenCms installation

Michael Emmerich m.emmerich at alkacon.com
Mon Mar 14 15:11:43 CET 2011


> I have make an installation of OpenCms 7.5 into my local Laptop. All the
> configuration and customizations are now done in this installation. How
> can I make a full copy of this installation ton another server without
> doing it manually (by copy and paste content)

If you want to do a 1:1 clone of your OpenCms installation, the fastest 
way to do is is:

1) Make a copy of your OpenCms webapplication folder

2) Make a DB-dump of the OpenCms database (e.g. for MySql, use mysqldump 
for it)

3) Insert the DB-dump into the target database

4) Adjust the opencms.properties if required (e.g. JDBC connect string)

5) Start the new tomcat and you can access OpenCms.

Altertnativly you can setup a new OpenCms on the target server with the 
OpenCms setup wizard.
Then , export your custom build modules from the "old" OpenCms 
installation via the module management in OpenCms and import them into 
the new installation via the module management there.
Finally, export the content form your OpenCms with the Database admin 
tool and import it on the new system with the same tool.

Kind regards,

Kind Regards,

Michael Emmerich

Visit OpenCms Days 2011 Conference and Expo
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