[opencms-dev] Opencms 7.5.2 and Lucene

Mario Jäger m.jaeger at alkacon.com
Tue Jul 12 09:39:37 CEST 2011


There are different possibilities to handle the update from the search 
indices in OpenCms:

- An index is updated automatically, when you publish a file, if the 
<rebuild> node for that index is configured with the value "auto" in the 

- An offline index is updated periodically, if the <rebuild> node for 
that index is configured with value "offline" in the 
WEB-INF/config/opencms-search.xml. The update frequency is configured 
global in the <offlineUpdateFrequency> node in the 

- An index can only be updated manually or using a scheduled job, if the 
<rebuild> node for that index is configured with value "manual" in the 

   * How often you update an index manually in the OpenCms search 
management (where the <rebuild> node for that index is configured with 
value "manual") is a very specific decision for every index. If you 
always want to have the index up to date, you better should configure 
the <rebuild> node with value "auto"

   * You can configure a scheduled job, which updates the configured 
indices in periodically times. Therefore, you have to use the class 
org.opencms.search.CmsSearchManager as Java class in the scheduled job. 
You have to configure the parameter "indexList" with the list of 
indices, which shall be updated, separated by the pipe symbol. If a log 
file shall be written, when updating the indices, the parameter 
"writeLog" is to configure to true

Kind Regards,

Am 18.06.2011 13:22, schrieb Alejandro García Gil:
> Hi,
> I use lucene for the searchs in my website, built with opencms 7.5.2.
> What would be the best periodicity for the reconstruction of the indexes
> that lucene handles?
> Is there any automatic task that can take care to make this work?
> Is the rebuilding of indexes affects the availability of the website?
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Mario Jäger

Alkacon Software GmbH  - The OpenCms Experts
http://www.alkacon.com - http://www.opencms.org

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