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Christoph Fröhlich cfauto at folge2.de
Tue Aug 16 06:19:46 CEST 2011

Hi Carlos,

we are including jquery in the template in opencms 8 as follows:

	<cms:jquery dynamic="true" />
	<cms:jquery dynamic="true" js="jquery"/>

I think, the first cms:jquery-Tag includes the javascript-load-Script from 

the second one includes the script jquery.js, from one of the folders

As far as I know, the tag includes the version from "unpacked" when you are in offline project. In the online project the packed version is used.
You can include other scripts from packed / unpacked by passing the basename of the script in the js-Attribute. 
So <cms:jquery dynamic="true" js="jquery.ui"/> should load "jquery.ui.js". (I didn't try this by myself but this is the way I expect things to work)


Am 16.08.2011 um 00:34 schrieb Carlos Eduardo Atencio Torres:

> Hello guys, I'm new in OpenCMS and I'm experiencing some troubles:
> I tried to add Jquery effects in my OpenCMS web site, so I follow the next steps:
> 1. Upload the jquery.js into the folder using the Workplace Panel
> 2. Create a HTML Pattern Page
> 3. Create a JSP where I put the Jquery code.
> 4. Add into the index.html (A container page), my HTML created and my JSP as formatter
> Until then, when I click on refresh of the main site, the effects are dissable but the code is there.
> I solved it adding  the next sentence in the JSP:
> <cms:enable-ade/>
> And it worked!, the Jquery code was working OK, nevertheless I was no able to add 
> content via the main site. Only via the Workplace Panel.
> So, what is that command (cms-enable-ade)? I just saw it in some tutorial I don't remember.). 
> Is there a better way to allow the use of Jquery in my OpenCMS web site?
> Thank you very much
> -- 
> Carlos E. A. Torres
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