[opencms-dev] CKEditor problem

AJuhos at chronossystems.com AJuhos at chronossystems.com
Mon Nov 21 18:55:24 CET 2011

Hi Guys!

After I had the problem wioth FCK Editor I deleted it, and try to 
reinstall CK Editor. But after I done it I am getting the followin error 
message when I try to edith a text: 
var dialogTitleAddChoice = "Please choose the element to add"; var 
dialogTitleAddSubChoice = "Please choose the sub element to add"; var 
vfsPathEditorForm = 
"/opencms/opencms/system/workplace/editors/xmlcontent/editor_form.jsp"; if 
(jQuery) { $(document).ready(function(){ 
$("#xmladdelementdialog").dialog({ title: "Please choose the element to 
add", autoOpen: false, bgiframe: true, minHeight: 150, minWidth: 300, 
width: 360, modal: true, buttons: { "Cancel": function() { 
$(this).dialog("close"); } } }); }); } //--> 

Please help me!

Thank you!

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