[opencms-dev] OpenJPA issue

Hemen Thacker hemen.thacker at aonhewitt.com
Tue May 15 17:32:24 CEST 2012

Thanks for your help Georgi. jpa issue is resolved.

To summarize the changes to deploy opencms on JBoss 5.10 GA till now

  *   replaced jstl.jar with jstl jar shipped with jboss.
  *   created jboss-web.xml
  *   removed xerces and xml-apis jars from opecms lib
  *   changed persistence.xml line  <persistence-unit name="OpenCmsJPAPool"> to <persistence-unit name="OpenCmsJPAPool" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">
  *   Comment out the following tags in jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/<server config>/deployers/ejb3.deployer/META-INF/jpa-deployers-jboss-beans.xml

     *   PersistenceParsingDeployer
     *   PersistenceDeployer
     *   PersistenceUnitDeployer

New issues:

I am getting the Critical error during OpenCms initialization: The OpenCms setup wizard is still enabled. during the startup and trying to complete the setup.  Setup hangs when its importing the modules to vfs.

I am attaching error.log which contains startup and log error errors and setup.log which is created by opencms during the setup.

Please advise



Hemen Thacker
Aon Hewitt  |  4 Overlook Point, Lincolnshire, IL 60069
hemen.thacker at aonhewitt.com<mailto:hemen.thacker at aonhewitt.com>  | * +1 (847) 442-9425 |http://www.aonhewitt.com/

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