[opencms-dev] Detail-Pages / Site Title and Breadcrumb

Patric Dosch patric.dosch at virtual-identity.com
Fri Jun 29 15:09:50 CEST 2012

Hey List, hey Alkacon,


on a detail-page changes neither the site title (head>title) nor the breadcrumb. Is there a preferred approach to fix that?


There is the function org.opencms.jsp.util.CmsJspStandardContextBean.isDetailPageAvailable(), but in the container page template the element (CmsContainerElementBean) is not known.


One possible solution would be to decide on the path, if this is a detail page.

Does anyone know an easy way to get the actual element via the url-mapping?




Patric Dosch

virtual identity AG
Gruenwaelderstrasse 10-14
79098 Freiburg

t +49 761 20758-442
f +49 761 20758-01

patric.dosch at virtual-identity.com

Berlin | Freiburg | Muenchen | Wien


virtual identity AG
Gruenwaelderstrasse 10-14
79098 Freiburg
Amtsgericht Freiburg, HRB 6218
Vorstand: Ralf Heller, Udo Moebes 
Vorsitzende des Aufsichtsrates: Kirsten Heller 
Umsatzsteuer-ID: DE208002218

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