[opencms-dev] ADE under multi-site server configuration

Rafael Garcia rafael.garcia at moremr.com
Mon Aug 20 16:17:28 CEST 2012

Hi all,

We are using OpenCMS 8.0.4 under Apache Tomcat 7.0.27 and Apache HTTP 
proxy 2.2. We have configured multi-site servers, but we don't get ADE 
to work when we login into the workplace.
Below the excerpts of the server.xml, opencms-system.xml, and httpd.conf.
The problem is that when we access " http://no.domain.com/system/login/" 
(domain name of the one of the site servers) OpenCMS is redirecting us 
to "http://www.domain.com/system/login/" (domain name of the workplace). 
So when we proceed to login, switch to the site "/sites/no/", and click 
on a page to edit it using ADE, the page doesn't exist (because the 
domain is not right). So a page located under the VFS directory 
"/sites/no/test/index.html" is accessible through 
"http://no.domain.com/test/index.html" but not editable, since when we 
click on it in the workplace we get "http://www.domain.com/test/index.html"

Why do we get redirected on first place? If the domain was kept when 
accessing the login page we wouldn't have any issues, but we cannot 
define more than one workplace URLs in opencms-system.xml, right?


* server.xml
     <Connector port="50000" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
                URIEncoding="UTF-8" />

    <!-- for opencms static export -->
     <Connector port="50001" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
                URIEncoding="UTF-8" />

     <Connector port="50010" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
                proxyName="m.domain.no" proxyPort="80"
                URIEncoding="UTF-8" />

* opencms-system.xml
       <site server="www.domain.com" uri="/sites/default/"/>
       <site server="m.domain.no" uri="/sites/no/">
         <alias server="no.domain.com"/>

* httpd.conf
<VirtualHost *:80>
     ServerAdmin support at domain.com
     ServerName m.domain.no
     ServerAlias no.domain.com

     <IfModule mod_proxy.c>
       ProxyRequests Off
       ProxyPreserveHost On

       ProxyPass /export/ http://localhost:50010/export/
       ProxyPassReverse /export/ http://localhost:50010/export/
       ProxyPass /resources/ http://localhost:50010/resources/
       ProxyPassReverse /resources/ http://localhost:50010/resources/
       ProxyPass /opencms/ http://localhost:50010/opencms/
       ProxyPass / http://localhost:50010/opencms/
       ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:50010/opencms/

       <Proxy *>
          Order allow,deny
          Deny from all

       <Proxy http://localhost:50010/*>
          Order allow,deny
          Allow from all

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