[opencms-dev] OpenCms 8 deleteResource not working

Steve Bryan steve.bryan at shinetech.com
Mon Sep 3 03:03:05 CEST 2012

My work around solution is quite clunky but is working ok until when/if
Alkacon fix up cmsshell to be backwards compatible. Christophe's solution
looks nicer.

1. Create a patch package in my project org.opencms.main.
2. Got the latest content for CmsShellCommands.java from github, and hacked
it to add functions I need.
3. Updated my ant task to pass through an optional classpath env variable,
which is my classes directory.
4. Edited cmsshell.sh to prefix the classpath with my optional classpath
env - because it comes first my patch class is loaded rather than the java
file from opencms.jar.
ie at the bottom:

echo extra_classpath=$EXTRA_CLASSPATH
java -classpath
org.opencms.main.CmsShell -base="${OPENCMS_BASE}" "$@"


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