[opencms-dev] Use of VfsImageWidget

Sandrine Prousteau s.prousteau at eurelis.com
Fri Sep 28 15:22:32 CEST 2012

Hi all!

I'm trying to use VfsImageWidget in XSD.
I'd like to choose the image file, and a description. I'd like to force 'q:100,c:transparent'.

My image is image.size property = w:80,h:103.

I have set this in xsd:
<xsd:element name="Image" type="OpenCmsVfsImage" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>      
<layout element="Image" widget="VfsImageWidget" configuration="{usedescription: true,scaleparams: 'q:100,c:transparent'}"/>

This leads to 
        <link type="WEAK">

My code leads to:
${xmlSiteConfig.value['Image']} = /.content/media/images-logos/footer_logo.jpg?__scale=h:193,w:150format=imageleft&description=dsfgvqsdv 
${xmlSiteConfig.value['Image'].xmlText['description']} = dsfgvqsdv => alt
<cms:img src="${Image}" alt="${alt}" /> => <img src="/opencms/opencms/.content/media/images-logos/footer_logo.jpg?__scale=w:80,h:103" width="80" height="103" alt="dsfgvqsdv" />

Where is 'q:100,c:transparent' ? Why do I have a random scale & format "scale=h:193,w:150format=imageleft" ? How can I add manually "q:100,c:transparent" or other scales if the format and description are addes without any "&" or ","?
I usually choose the scale format directly in my JSP, depending on the container they are in.


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