[opencms-dev] Store nested field value in Solr index

Siegfried Ehret s.ehret at eurelis.com
Thu Nov 8 16:40:09 CET 2012

I have a news content, with an Attachment which may be a vfs resource (OpenCmsVfsFile) or an url (OpenCmsString). So I made a nested xsd for my attachment.
(I'm storing it to get it fastly through the search result list without having to use a contentload)

In my xsd, I have the following declaration:
<searchsetting element="Attachment" searchcontent="false">  
  <solrfield targetfield="Attachment" />  

But it's not stored in the index.
If I remove the nested and only set an Attachment with an OpenCmsVfsFile type, it is stored.

Can I store a nested element ?

Siegfried Ehret

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