[opencms-dev] SOLR Multi-field Settings

John James Valentine jjvalent at gmail.com
Tue Nov 13 16:57:10 CET 2012

Does anyone have an example on how to use a multifield with solr and the new
search settings in an XML Content XSD file on OpenCms 8.5?


An example use case would be an author for a news story, there may be
multiple authors and we would want solr to index all the 

authors for that XML content.  


Here is the search settings from the XSD:



                    <searchsetting element="Author" searchcontent="true">

                                         <solrfield targetfield="Author"
sourcefield="*_txt" copyfields="*" />




The solr field Author_en_txt has been indexed:


<arr name="Author_en_txt">

<str>My Indexed Author</str>



We would expect :


<arr name="Author_en_txt">

<str>My Indexed Author</str>

<str>Another Indexed Author</str>



Thanks so much, 


John Valentine

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