[opencms-dev] OpenCms 8.5.1 & Ade Personalization

Nicolo Bevilacqua nico.gecodesk at gmail.com
Mon Apr 8 16:44:03 CEST 2013

Hi all,
I need to aggregate a new button in ADE container page module. I want to 
do this in manner to prevent possible problems due to an version upgrade 
(we work with OpenVms 8.5.1). We have considered two option:
*) Change Open Cms source code (specifically 
org.opencms.ade.containerpage.client.CmsContainerpageEditor): Personally 
I think that is a bad one;
*) Create a new taglib (cms-ext taglib), with a new 
<cms-ext:enable-ade/> tag, and use an properties based configuration 
that allows select the default containerpage_include.jsp module, or 
another one that extends this behaviour.

There are the best solution or you have another suggestion?

Thanks in advance.

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