[opencms-dev] Access OpenCms shared network drive on alternate port

Alessandro Magnolo alessandro.magnolo at gmail.com
Thu Oct 3 17:09:47 CEST 2013

The new shared network drive VFS access was very popular at OpenCms
days, but I considered it very limiting to be able to access only one
instance per server, because of the alleged Samba clients requirement
of strictly using port 445.

After some research work, I managed to access the shared drive on port
1445 from a linux client this way:
sudo mount.cifs //cmssviluppo/OPENCMS /mnt/opencms -o

Everything seems to work fine: I can edit JSPs in eclipse and
upload/delete/rename files using a file manager (*).
I currently have only one opencms9 instance so I haven't tested
configuring more drives on different ports.

Please share your experiences if you manage to find a working solution
for Windows and OSX clients, thanks.

Alessandro Magnolo

(*) Geany, my favorite text editor, was giving an error on file save;
the workaround is to deselect use_gio_unsafe_file_saving in

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