[opencms-dev] Innodb vs Myisam

Georgi Naplatanov gosho at oles.biz
Fri Feb 7 17:00:00 CET 2014

On 02/07/2014 04:33 PM, Carlos Merino wrote:
> Hi,
>     I'm trying to adjust my opencms for inminent production environment
> =:(0 trying to increase performance,
> just two questions.
>   1) is there a performing checklist guide? or any advice for better
> performance?
>   2) why myisam tables in the opencms schema, are better or faster than
> innodb??, how opencms managed transactional issues??

Hi Carlos,

unfortunately MyISAM is faster than InnoDB engine for read only
operations, but after installation you can easily migrate table schema
to InnoDB.

If you use JPA layer (what is much slower than pure JDBC, especially
after improvements in SQLManager introduced with OpenCms 7.5.4)
transactions are managed within org/opencms/db/CmsSecurityManager.java
methods, otherwise transactions are managed within
org/opencms/db/generic/XXXDriver.java what scope is much smaller.

However, I have not noticed any data corruption with OpenCms for 9
years, but I have been using PostgreSQL.

On the other hand about performance tunning you have to:

 - give java virtual machine enough memory
 - configure Tomact to be able to start enough threads for the number of
desired simultaneous requests
 - if you use web server like Apache or EnginX (as a proxy to Tomcat)
make sure that web server can handle the same number of simultaneous
 - tune database server to be sure that it can handle the needed number
of db connections
 - make sure that server don't use the swap area.
 - use flex cache always when it's possible.

Best regards

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