[opencms-dev] How to include Javascript and CSS files in DynamicFunction OpenCms 8.5.2 once?
cms_questioner at gmx.de
Tue Feb 25 17:16:06 CET 2014
Paul-Inge Flakstad <flakstad <at> npolar.no> writes:
> Hi Thomas,
> I’m sure you’ve read the Wiki article, which explains this for OpenCms 8
and up, using containerpages?
(Not implying that it solves your issue, I’m simply referring you to the
only resource I know of regarding this.)
> For anyone interested, I’d like to share how I went about this in OpenCms
7 at the time. This solution does not double-include anything, by the way,
and does not require containerpage:
> · Define two new properties, “js“ and “css” (each acting as a
propertyList, allowing for multiple values).
> · Make sure my template checks these properties and includes the
scripts/styles as needed. I did this by writing a class that extends
CmsJspActionElement so I can just call getCss() and getJavascript() methods.
> · Add necessary javascript and stylesheets “manually” by setting
these properties’ values on folders/files in the OpenCms workplace... AND/OR
...do it “automatically” by defining default property values in the module
definition in opencms-modules.xml.
> I’ve been using this solution for a few years now, and my experience is
it’s working very well.
> For example, I use a custom “image gallery” module, which requires some
extra javascript. I added it as a default “js” property value in the
module’s section in opencms-modules.xml, so it’s included for all new “image
gallery” files. They also get a default CSS. This makes the editor’s job a
piece of cake: No need for her/him to even think, or even know about
javascript and styles – just create the gallery file and publish it!
> Oh, and I also added another property, “js.blacklist”, for cases where I
need to avoid dynamic inclusion of a javascript that’s inherited from a
parent folder. (For example “image gallery” pages, which require a more
comprehensive version of a script that I’m using site-wide.)
> An important aspect of this is that you get default styles, connected to
your module / resource type. AND these styles can easily be overridden
(which is great because you often just want to tweak a few specific style
definitions). For example, let’s say you’ve created a module with a default
stylesheet for your new resource type. Cool – it should look good straight
out of the box! Still, you might want to fine-tune some styles to integrate
the module seamlessly on specific sites. Well, provided your template
includes the CSS files in appropriate order, your site-specific stylesheet
can override particular styles in the default stylesheet (typically colors
and maybe fonts), while keeping the majority of the default styles
(typically stuff like dimensions, layout etc.).
> Perhaps not an answer to your question per se, but a real-world example at
least. :)
> Cheers,
> Paul
> From: opencms-dev-bounces <at> opencms.org [mailto:opencms-dev-bounces
<at> opencms.org] On Behalf Of Hans MeierSent: 25. februar 2014 11:20To:
opencms-dev <at> opencms.orgSubject: [opencms-dev] How to include Javascript
and CSS files in DynamicFunction OpenCms 8.5.2 once?
> Hi everyone,
> does OpenCms 8.5.2 provide a possibility to include Javascript or CSS
files(only once) in a DynamicFunction
> e.g. in the head like this in a schema file over the headincludes:
> <xsd:annotation> <xsd:appinfo> <preview
uri="${previewtempfile}" /> <relations>
> ... </relations>
<formatters> ... </formatters>
<settings> </settings> <headincludes>
> ... </headincludes> </xsd:appinfo>
> What is the best way to solve this problem?
> Greetings
> Thomas
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Hi Paul,
thanks for sharing your approach to solve the problem.
But anyway.
I want to post a short description what I did:
I wrote a Taglib, which gets a comma separated string as attribute
(e.g. toInClude="script1.js,script2.js")
Then I split the string and store the entries (e.g. in a list).
These entries will be wrapped around a (<script> or <link>) tag and printed
out with a JSPWriter and stored in a HashMap.
Then I check if a script is already in the HashMap. If that is the case then
do nothing. Otherwise print out the entry with the JSPWriter.
e.g. for the case if I have more than one DynamicFucntion on a ContainerPage:
I have bound the HashMap to the ServletRequest to avoid that the scripts
will be included more than once.
req.setAttribute("SCRIPTS", scripts);
scripts = (HashMap) req.getAttribute("SCRIPTS");
I just check with the bounded HashMap if a file is already included.
But I like your solution also. It's more flexible.
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