[opencms-dev] Problem with indexing Containerpage with SOLR and Localization

Ramon Gavira Sáenz ramon.gavira at sagasoluciones.com
Thu Mar 13 11:24:57 CET 2014


We are using the standard configuration of fields an solr, we've found 
the same problem with version 8.5 and 9.

This is an example of the issue with a fresh installation of version 
8.5. using this simple query 

We don't have problems getting the resources, but the proble handles 
with the excerpt nodes (actually it happens with content nodes also). 
the resource has localized content in "en" and "de" In the response-doc 
we get two nodes:

<str name="en_excerpt">
<str name="de_excerpt">

the firs one has a piece of text which corresponds with english content
the problem is that the second one  contains the same piece of text of 
the english node plus the german one. We need to show the excerpt 
Localized but we can't because the text are mixed...

This happens also with the content nodes: content_en and content_de

Does anybody has the same problem?, How did you solve it?, Is it a bug o 
a miisconfiguration issue?

The solr response looks like, you cant try it in any installation:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     <lst name="responseHeader">
         <int name="status">0</int>
         <int name="QTime">2</int>
         <lst name="params">
             <str name="q">*:*</str>
             <str name="fl">*,score</str>
             <str name="qt">edismax</str>
             <int name="rows">1</int>
             <arr name="fq">
             <long name="start">0</long>
     <result name="response" numFound="49" start="0">
             <str name="id">14c92a4a-c996-11e0-b07b-a97c08d979d8</str>
             <str name="contentblob">[B:[B at e301173</str>
             <str name="type">containerpage</str>
             <str name="suffix">.html</str>
             <int name="size">3448</int>
             <date name="created">2012-08-18T12:32:05Z</date>
             <date name="lastmodified">2012-09-17T12:52:46Z</date>
             <date name="contentdate">2014-03-12T17:21:51.619Z</date>
             <date name="relased">1970-01-01T00:00:00Z</date>
             <date name="expired">292278994-08-17T07:12:55.807Z</date>
             <arr name="res_locales">
             <arr name="con_locales">
             <str name="default-file_prop">##navigation_level_folder##</str>
             <str name="locale_prop">de</str>
             <str name="NavPos_prop">41.0</str>
             <str name="NavText_prop">Blumen Abonnements</str>
             <str name="Title_prop">Blumen Abonnements</str>
             <str name="style.columns_prop">2</str>
             <arr name="content_en">
                 <str>The OpenCms 8.5 content subscription engine
                     OpenCms 8.5 allows users to subscribe to content 
pages or binary
                     documents. A user can see a list of his 
subscriptions and receive
                     notifications in case one of his subscribed pages 
has been updated
                     or deleted. It's also possible to "force" 
subscriptions for a user
                     or group of users.
             <arr name="spell">
                 <str>The OpenCms 8.5 content subscription engine
                     OpenCms 8.5 allows users to subscribe to content 
pages or binary
                     documents. A user can see a list of his 
subscriptions and receive
                     notifications in case one of his subscribed pages 
has been updated
                     or deleted. It's also possible to "force" 
subscriptions for a user
                     or group of users.
             <str name="en_excerpt">The OpenCms 8.5 content subscription 
                 OpenCms 8.5 allows users to subscribe to content pages 
or binary documents.
                 A user can see a list of his subscriptions and receive 
                 in case one of his subscribed pages has been updated or 
                 It's also possible to "force" subscriptions for a user 
or group of
             <arr name="content_de">
                 <str>The OpenCms 8.5 content subscription engine
                     OpenCms 8.5 allows users to subscribe to content 
pages or binary
                     documents. A user can see a list of his 
subscriptions and receive
                     notifications in case one of his subscribed pages 
has been updated
                     or deleted. It's also possible to "force" 
subscriptions for a user
                     or group of users.
                     Die Abonnement-Funktion von OpenCms 8.5
                     OpenCms 8.5 ermöglicht es Benutzern, Seiten oder 
Dokumente im System zu
                     abonnieren. Ein Benutzer kann sich eine Liste 
seiner Abonnements
                     anzeigen lassen, mit Hinweisen falls eine seiner 
abonnierten Seiten
                     geändert oder gelöscht wurde. Es ist auch möglich 
das Abonnement
                     bestimmter Inhalte für einen Benutzer oder eine 
Gruppe zu
             <str name="de_excerpt">The OpenCms 8.5 content subscription 
                 OpenCms 8.5 allows users to subscribe to content pages 
or binary documents.
                 A user can see a list of his subscriptions and receive 
                 in case one of his subscribed pages has been updated or 
                 It's also possible to "force" subscriptions for a user 
or group of
                 Die Abonnement-Funktion von OpenCms 8.5
                 OpenCms 8.5 ermöglicht es Benutzern, Seiten oder 
Dokumente im System zu
                 abonnieren. Ein Benutzer kann sich eine Liste seiner 
                 anzeigen lassen, mit Hinweisen falls eine seiner 
abonnierten Seiten
                 geändert oder gelöscht wurde. Es ist auch möglich das 
                 bestimmter Inhalte für einen Benutzer oder eine Gruppe 
zu erzwingen.
             <date name="timestamp">2014-03-12T18:16:01.291Z</date>
             <float name="score">1.0</float>

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