[opencms-dev] OCEE Uninstall

Greg Ireland GI at piconsulting.co.uk
Mon Mar 24 11:03:25 CET 2014

Hi All

I have an OpenCMS 7.5.3 installation which I was hoping to in-place upgrade to v9.   I have extracted the upgrade and WEB-INF data from the .ZIP to the /var/lib/tomcat5/webapps/ROOT folder and followed the genereal process in the readme.txt but when I run the upgrade I get the message that there is an incompatible version of OCEE installed.  I have tried a few times to delete the OCEE packages, remove any references to OCEE from the config files etc, but I can’t seem to actually uninstall it to proceed with the upgrade wizard.

My process so far:

1-      I copy the /update and /WEB-INF folders into the /ROOT web app folder.

2-      I allow the WEB-INF copy to overwrite any files, but then replace the new web.xml file with a copy of the original or my site doesn’t work any more.

3-      I change all the properties back to tomcat:tomcat like the other folders and recurse it.

4-      I change the opencms.porperties file wizard.enabled=true and

5-      I browse to the <URL>/update.  There I receive the following error message:

Incompatible version of Alkacon OCEE detected!
You have installed a version of Alkacon OCEE that is not compatible with OpenCms 9.0.1.
Please upgrade Alkacon OCEE to a compatible version before upgrading OpenCms or remove the OCEE modules completely.
The upgrade wizard cannot continue before these problems are solved.

Would anyone be able to help me by identifying exactly how I can remove OCEE from my current installation in order to proceed with a basic upgrade to v9 as we don’t really use any features from OCEE and do not have the upgrade license any longer?

Any help is much appreciated.



Greg Ireland
Pi Consulting<http://www.piconsulting.co.uk/>

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