[opencms-dev] opencms 9.5.0 cmsshell.sh

Alberto Gallardo argrico at gmail.com
Mon Jan 19 12:36:15 CET 2015

> Thinking out loud: have you tried increasing the permgen? I found during
> some performance tuning sessions that when running out of memory, OpenCms
> often gets into a corrupted state silently.
> Where would you put this increase? In tomcat configuration (Windows 7) in
> the jvm options:
> -XX:PermSize=384m
> -XX:MaxPermSize=512m
> ?

You're having problems with the script, aren't you? In that case, and as
you've already noticed, the script invokes java in the last line:

java -classpath
org.opencms.main.CmsShell -base="${OPENCMS_BASE}" "$@"

That'd be my bet. I'd also try increasing Xmx Xms, just in case, to see if
it helps.
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