[opencms-dev] Workflow Enable

Christoph Kukulies kuku at physik.rwth-aachen.de
Tue Jan 5 16:06:29 CET 2016

Am 04.01.2016 um 11:46 schrieb Schliemann, Kai:
> Hi,
> put this code in opencms-system.xml:
>      <workflow class="org.opencms.workflow.CmsExtendedWorkflowManager">
>         <parameters>
>           <param name="Projectmanagers">the user group, responsible for publishing content. The users should have the role Projectmanager</param>
>           <param name="Users">the group of users which has no publishing permission.</param>
>           <param name="notificationContent">/.content/workflow-notification.html</param><!-file of type ContentNotification. You can configure the email, send to the Users / Projectmanagers here. -->
>         </parameters>
>      </workflow>
> Best regards
> Kai

Hi Kai,

could you explain where one can find the file of type 
ContentNotification? Is it in the New item dialog?

Chris Christoph P. U. Kukulies kukulies (at) rwth-aachen.de

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