[opencms-dev] Can not access administration view in Opencms 9.5.3

Jan Michael Greiner jan0michael at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 4 20:58:51 CET 2017

Hello all,

I have an OpenCms 9.5.3 test installation.

In the Workplace I can not switch to Administration View any more.
The text in the "View" dropdown changes to "Administration", but the page remains the same.

I see no error in the webserver or in the opencms logs.

I have the following two admin-fs.jsp in my file system:


In the webserver access log I have

"" "NULL-AUTH-USER" "04/Feb/2017:20:42:33 +0100" "POST /opencms/opencms/system/workplace/views/top_head.jsp HTTP/1.1" 200 9656 
"" "NULL-AUTH-USER" "04/Feb/2017:20:42:33 +0100" "GET /opencms/opencms/system/workplace/views/admin/admin-fs.jsp HTTP/1.1" 200 779

when switching to Administration View and

"" "NULL-AUTH-USER" "04/Feb/2017:20:43:44 +0100" "POST /opencms/opencms/system/workplace/views/top_head.jsp HTTP/1.1" 200 9656 
"" "NULL-AUTH-USER" "04/Feb/2017:20:43:44 +0100" "GET /opencms/opencms/system/workplace/views/explorer/explorer_fs.jsp HTTP/1.1" 200 464 
"" "NULL-AUTH-USER" "04/Feb/2017:20:43:44 +0100" "GET /opencms/opencms/system/workplace/views/explorer/explorer_body_fs.jsp HTTP/1.1" 200 432 
"" "NULL-AUTH-USER" "04/Feb/2017:20:43:44 +0100" "GET /opencms/opencms/system/workplace/views/explorer/explorer_files.jsp?mode=explorerview HTTP/1.1" 200 861 
"" "NULL-AUTH-USER" "04/Feb/2017:20:43:44 +0100" "GET /opencms/opencms/system/workplace/views/explorer/tree_fs.jsp HTTP/1.1" 200 4410 
"" "NULL-AUTH-USER" "04/Feb/2017:20:43:44 +0100" "GET /opencms/opencms/system/workplace/views/explorer/tree_files.jsp?resource=/ HTTP/1.1" 200 403

when switching to Explorer View.

When I manually open 
in a new browser tab, I get two columns, left the folders, the right column is empty.

When I manually open
https://secure.alontis.de/opencms/opencms/system/workplace/views/admin/admin-fs.jspin a new browser tab, the browser still says "New Tab, despite the fact that in the access log the line
"" "NULL-AUTH-USER" "04/Feb/2017:20:48:55 +0100" "GET /opencms/opencms/system/workplace/views/admin/admin-fs.jsp HTTP/1.1" 200 779
is written.

If I execute in a shell

wget https://<servername>opencms/opencms/system/workplace/views/admin/admin-fs.jsp
wget creates a file admin-fs.jsp with 8732 bytes.

Help... :-)

Best regards


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