[opencms-dev] OpenCMS 10.5.1 - Apollo Demo multi column blog output

Alex Kandzior alex at opencms.org
Thu Mar 9 13:59:25 CET 2017


What you could do:

* You need a new formatter for this. You may just copy the "blog-teaser-elaborate" formatter JSP and XML definition, and call this e.g. "blog-tile-teaser".
* These are in /system/modules/org.opencms.apollo/formatters/.
* Make sure to update the reference in the  XML to point to the copied JSP. 
* Then you need to modify the HTML in the "blog-tile-teaser.sjp"formatter. I suggest using the "tile" structure like so:

<div class="ap-tile tile-sm-6 tile-md-4 tile-lg-3">
    <!-- your HTML for the content here --!>

* As you can see the tile breakpoints are similar to standard bootstrap.
* If you want multiple lines you must add some classes to ensure the height of the tiles is equal.


Kind regards,

Alexander Kandzior

Alkacon Software - The OpenCms Experts                                                    
http://www.alkacon.com - http://www.opencms.org                                                          

> Am 09.03.2017 um 13:38 schrieb Arno Nym <matzabweb at web.de>:
> Hi,
> in the blog survey of the Apollo demo the blog-entries are dynamically listed in one column: Is there a quick way to show the blog entries in a multi column way, for example 3 columns (=> 3 blog entries from the same list) per line?
> The pictures should then be smaller and there should be less text output per blog entry.
> Thank you
> Arno
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