[opencms-dev] TinyMCE filtering

Sandrine Prousteau s.prousteau at eurelis.com
Fri Mar 31 14:06:43 CEST 2017

Hi all,

We have a little issue on our xmlcontent editions : on HtmlWidget fields, running with TinyMCE editor, when our user is pasting from a *.docx a piece of text containing unordered list of percent values with some bold contents, some contents are cut. It's done with simple "paste", not "paste as text".

Example :

This value (numerics are in bold)


Is turned to


I have tried it on inline TinyMCE codepen http://codepen.io/tinymce/pen/YydQrY, and I found that with the options "paste_enable_default_filters: false" set in the .init(), the numerics are not cut (but all .docx styles are kept obviously).

Is there someone who had this issue, and found a solution?

Is there someone who knows how TinyMCE filters work?

OpenCms 9.5.2.x / Windows 10 / Chrome

Thanks for help.


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