[opencms-dev] URL encode with Umlauts

Christoph Kukulies kuku at physik.rwth-aachen.de
Fri Jul 7 13:05:43 CEST 2017

I have a jsp which reads an URL from a database and oututs it to a page

like <a href="/dir/Übersicht.htm">Übersicht</a>

(as a side note: the page resides in opencms, so it's relative to the 
/index.html (which is the main page)

When I click on that link in a browser, the URL cannot be found

All URLs that do not contain an Umlaut (ä,ö,ü,Ä,Ö,Ü,ß) are resolved fine.

This is the piece of code:

    rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT url,urlname,kommentar,ok,ID from urls");

               while(rs.next()) {

                 else ok="notok";
                  // String url = URLEncoder.encode(
                    //  rs.getString(1),
                      // "ISO-8859-1"
                   // );
                   String url=rs.getString(1);
                 out.println("\n" +  "<form action=\"#\"><span 
class=\""+ok+"\"><a href=\""
                 + url + "\" target=\"right\" >"
                 + rs.getString(2) + "</a><span class=\"rt\"><textarea  
name=\"kommentar\" style=\"height:15px;width:250px;\" rows=\"1\" 
cols=\"40\" >"
                 + rs.getString(3)+"</textarea><input type=\"hidden\" 
name=\"ID\" value=\""
                 + rs.getString(5)+"\"/><button type=\"submit\" 
name=\"ok\" value=\"1\" >ok</button><button type=\"submit\" name=\"ok\" 
                if(c!=null) c.close();

The commented out stuff (//) does not work.

When I hover over the link in the browser the url (not the encoded on) 
looks like:


for example. That is, the hostname (without http://) is in the href 
field of the anchor element.

Any clues?



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