[opencms-dev] List (config): no Content type to select

Daniel Seidel d.seidel at alkacon.com
Wed May 27 07:32:05 CEST 2020

Hi Gerd,

currently the ready-made modules are not provided, but you can get the 
documentation from 
where you find and checkout the sources.

To build the modules:

     - change the 'build_directory' property in the 'gradle.properties' 
file to your favorite folder (e.g. 'build') and change the 
'opencms_version' to '11.0.1'.

     - then  run './gradlew bindist' in the repositories main folder.

Afterwards, you'll find find the modules in a 'moduleZip' subdirectory 
of the build folder and moreover some libs in the 'libs' subfolder. Copy 
the libs to your OpenCms installation's lib folder and then install the 

     - com.alkacon.opencms.documentation

     - com.alkacon.opencms.documentation.content

     - com.alkacon.opencms.documentation.searchform

The other modules you do not need.

When done, in the default-site you have a subfolder 
"opencms-documentation" holding the documentation. And you can play with 
the examples below the "demo" folder.

Best, Daniel.

Am 27.05.20 um 03:37 schrieb Gerd Schrick:
> Oh stupid me! ...
> Thank you Daniel,
> you're right, I was struggling with this (great!) feature but in a 
> weird way:
> In the template JSP I accidentally put the reference to the css for 
> the editor in that property (instead of property "template").
> So your hint solved 2 problems:
> a) the selection in the List editor works as expected and
> b) the editor css now has an obvious effect ;-)
> plus:
> I now understand the idea of the "template.display.types" property 
> (although I already came across that part in the documentation before).
> A question regarding the documentation:
> Are there documentation modules (as mentioned here: 
> https://documentation.opencms.org/opencms-documentation/demos/ ) for 
> 11.0.1?
> Or can I lookup the template code elsewhere? Git?
> Especially the code for the breadcrumbs navigation?
> In the List and detail pages III demo here:
> https://documentation.opencms.org/opencms-documentation/demos/lists-and-detail-pages-iii/ 
> when I click on a list entry, it shows up in the breadcrumb nav (of 
> the detail page).
> How is this done?
> Best regards,
> Gerd
>> Daniel Seidel <d.seidel at alkacon.com> hat am 26. Mai 2020 22:40 
>> geschrieben:
>> Hi Gerd,
>> I'm not completely sure, but you may struggle with this feature:
>> template.display.types
>>     This option is mainly useful if you have several websites with
>>     different templates on your OpenCms instance and different
>>     templates use different sets of display formatters.
>>     If the option is provided, the property |template.display.type|
>>     is looked up recursively at the currently edited content and it's
>>     parent folders. If not found, it is looked up at the template JSP
>>     used at the place where the edited content is located. The
>>     property should contain a comma-separated list of container
>>     types. If the property is found and not empty, display formatters
>>     will be selectable only if they match to one of the containers of
>>     the given types. See the formatter configuration
>>     <https://documentation.opencms.org/opencms-documentation/content-in-opencms/formatters-and-their-configuration/#formatter_configuration_basic_options>
>>     to see how matching containers are specified. If the property is
>>     not found, the matching conditions are simply ignored.
>> (see 
>> https://documentation.opencms.org/opencms-documentation/content-in-opencms/defining-a-content-type/defining-the-contents-behavior/adjusting-the-contents-appearance-in-the-content-editor/widget-configuration/#2.25) 
>> Probably somewhere the property is set to "mercury-list" (even in 
>> your own site/template) and therefor, your formatters are not displayed.
>> Best, Daniel.
>> Am 26.05.20 um 19:46 schrieb Gerd Schrick:
>>> Hi Daniel,
>>> thank you for your reply ... but the selection is still empty.
>>> Yes, that's all done (as far as I can see);
>>> Regarding config, my module and site is similar (but way simpler) to 
>>> the Demo site and the module "alkacon.mercury.template":
>>> - formatters and resource types configured in a sitemap master 
>>> config in the module
>>> - in the site's sitemap config this master config is included
>>> - in all formatters Match is set to container type "maincontent" 
>>> (the only container used in my site/template)
>>> - 2 (intended to be used in the list) of the 4 formatters have the 
>>> "display formatter type" set
>>> - all formatters work in the template/pages
>>> I copied my list config to the "shared" folder then right 
>>> click->Edit and all display formatters (Mercury + mine) are listed
>>> (that finally confused me ;) I set/added in formatter config 
>>> Container type to "mercury-list" and my formatter immediately showed 
>>> up in the list editor within the Demo site!? (did not add it to the 
>>> Demo site's config anywhere)
>>> So that seems that the empty selection in my site is somehow related 
>>> to the formatters' Match/container type.
>>> But how?
>>> I wasn't able to figure out why seemingly only container type 
>>> "mercury-list" is what matters whereas eg. "accordion" or "article" 
>>> don't
>>> (as detected in 
>>> /system/modules/alkacon.mercury.template/formatters/display/accordion/article.xml) 
>>> And from where does the List (config/editor/app) know what container 
>>> type will match when I juat create a List in the List Workspace App 
>>> (and not on a page/tamplate)?
>>> Thank (all of) you in advance for any de-confusing hints :-)
>>> Best,
>>> Gerd
>>>> Daniel Seidel <d.seidel at alkacon.com> hat am 26. Mai 2020 07:54 
>>>> geschrieben:
>>>> Hi Gerd,
>>>> did you activate your display formatters in the configuration or in 
>>>> some (sub-)sitemap config? And not disable them in some 
>>>> (sub-)sitemap config? Do the formatters have any Match (via 
>>>> container type) defined? If all this is the case and a value for 
>>>> display formatter type is provided, you should be able to select 
>>>> the formatter.
>>>> Best, Daniel.
>>>> Am 25.05.20 um 19:16 schrieb Gerd Schrick:
>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>> (in 11.0.1)
>>>>> I have a resource type "sd-project" and two formatters for this 
>>>>> type, both with a non-empty "Display formatter type" setting 
>>>>> (current value: "list-sd-project:compact"; also tried other 
>>>>> values, e.g. the suggested default "display").
>>>>> I then created a List following the docu "Lists with the 
>>>>> integrated list type"
>>>>> here: 
>>>>> https://documentation.opencms.org/opencms-documentation/content-in-opencms/lists-and-detail-pages/building-lists/lists-with-the-integrated-list-type/ 
>>>>> and "Lists and detail pages III"
>>>>> here: 
>>>>> https://documentation.opencms.org/opencms-documentation/demos/lists-and-detail-pages-iii/ 
>>>>> My problem is, that the dropdown "Content type" in the list's 
>>>>> config (app) still remains empty,
>>>>> although as the docu (2nd link) says:
>>>>> "The selectable formatters are collected automatically. To get 
>>>>> your formatter to the list, the " Display formatter type" option 
>>>>> in the formatter configuration has to be set:"
>>>>> what is the case for both of my formatters.
>>>>> When I edit the list config's control code (according to what I 
>>>>> see in the lists of the Demo site)
>>>>> and set/add element
>>>>> <TypesToCollect>sd-project:efb48fe8-9e33-11ea-aabc-485b3939753f</TypesToCollect> 
>>>>> ("sd-project" is the type; UUID is the one of the formatter config 
>>>>> I'd like to use)
>>>>> anything seems to work perfectly, except the "Content type" 
>>>>> selection (that now only shows the entered value as-is).
>>>>> In the Demo site the selection shows many entries all with nice 
>>>>> names and (since hours) I tried to figure out the difference ... 
>>>>> but still w/o success.
>>>>> Obviously I missed something, so my questions are:
>>>>> What (in addition) has to be done that the formatters show up?
>>>>> Is there some special logic (naming?) for the formatter's "Display 
>>>>> formatter type" setting to follow?
>>>>> Anything else to be configured somewhere?
>>>>> Any help is greatly appreciated :-)
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Gerd
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>>>> -- 
>>>> Kind Regards,
>>>> Daniel.
>>>> -------------------
>>>> Daniel Seidel
>>>> Alkacon Software GmbH & Co. KG - The OpenCms Experts
>>>> http://www.alkacon.com  -http://www.opencms.org      
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Kind Regards,

Daniel Seidel

Alkacon Software GmbH & Co. KG - The OpenCms Experts
http://www.alkacon.com - http://www.opencms.org

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