[opencms-dev] How do I link to tomcat applications outside of Opencms?

Kai Widmann Widmann at mediaworx.de
Wed Sep 22 09:28:28 CEST 2021

Hey Ivan,

there might be an easier way without changing the LinkSubstitutionHandler. Just edit your WEB-INF/web.xml file, find the filter node „OpenCmsUrlServletFilter“, usually there is a commented out section „additionalExcludePrefixes“ that you can use to get what you want. That’s how it looks at one of my systems:

<!-- Use the OpenCmsUrlServletFilter to remove the OpenCms servlet name from URLs.
     When using the filter make sure to also adjust the file /WEB-INF/config/opencms-importexport.xml setting
     opencms/importexport/staticexport/rendersettings/vfs-prefix to ${CONTEXT_NAME}. -->
    <!-- Use the init-param to prevent rewriting for URI that start with the provided prefixes -->

Maybe you can use this as well.



Am 22.09.2021 um 07:49 schrieb Michael Emmerich <m.emmerich at alkacon.com<mailto:m.emmerich at alkacon.com>>:

Hello Ivan,

by default, OpenCms identifies those kind of links as "internal". But there is a way to define exclusion, paths that will be seen as "external" in OpenCms. Here is what to do:

1) In the opencms-importexport.xml config file, replace the line




2) In your OpenCms, there is a file /system/config/linkexcludes/

in it, you can define those paths that are no identified as non-OpenCms, e.g. external to the application.

Example: Your OpenCms runs as the ROOT-Webappliciiton at https://www.myserver.com<https://www.myserver.com/>

Therefore everything starting with "https://www.myserver.com"<https://www.myserver.com/> will be seen as an internal Link in OpenCms. When you now do the configuration as above ans add "/myexternalapp" to the /system/config/linkexcludes/ config file,

https://www.myserver.com/myexternalapp will not be seens as an internal OpenCms link.

Hope this helps,


Am 21.09.21 um 17:34 schrieb Ivan Drinks Sr:
I have other applications running in the same Tomcat instance as Opencms.  Opencms is my ROOT application.  I cannot create an external link to the other Tomcat applications because Opencms sees everything relative to it and states resource not found.  How to I connect to my other Tomcat applications?

Thanks for your help.

Ivan Sr

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Michael Emmerich

Alkacon Software GmbH & Co. KG - The OpenCms Experts
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