[opencms-dev] elementview not displayed for workplace_users

Klapf Hanspeter Hanspeter.Klapf at ikt.linz.at
Wed Oct 12 07:56:49 CEST 2022


In OpenCms 11.0.2 I have created an element view [my-modulepath]/elementviews/imag-standard.xml with just a name and an order (=1).

Afterwards I inserted some custom types In my module-configuration and configured them to use this elementview.

Works like a charm for my admin-user, but logged in as a normal Workplace-User my custom elementview is not displayed when creating a new resource. I am not using ADE, the configuration shoud work in workplace.

I have tried different permissions on Groups on the elementview resource, at last I gave "Everyone" a try:

[cid:image002.jpg at 01D8DE10.2E361950]

It doesn't work, my elementview is not displayed for users that are able to create and modify the content-types, finding them in "Other types" and "All".

The workplace user I am testing with has the elementviews "Basic", "Folders", "Configurations", "Other types" and "All" visible. Beside getting my "Imag Inhalt" additionally to this list, it would be great to get "Configurations" out of that - is this standard for workplace users?

Any suggestions?

Kind regards,


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