[opencms-dev] cms:search configuration

Klapf Hanspeter Hanspeter.Klapf at ikt.linz.at
Tue Mar 14 12:05:38 CET 2023


I am using the JspSearchConfig in OC11 with the Formatter copied from the example in the OC11 Documentation (cannot find it in actual version), only slightly modified.

What would be the best option to supply an extra filter-option for 5-6 extra defined folder-locations? I have some main-folders my site /sites/intranet which I would like to be selectable for the users to filter their search result. I have tried adding distinct categories to these folders, but the contents aren’t found, when the category is selected (maybe because these categories map to the container pages, not the contents?).

Perhaps I could switch from configFile to configString and manually set the Solr-param “fq” with parent-folders:”/sites/intranet/mycontentfolder1\” for example, would this be the best approach?

Thanks for any advice!

Best regards


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