[opencms-dev] Extracting Copyright-value

Atle Enersen atle.enersen at gmail.com
Mon Nov 25 10:28:25 CET 2024


I can find the title of a page using:

<title><c:out value="${cms.title}" /></title>

But I cannot find any way to extract the value of the Image-property of a regular Image object. I have consulted the documentation but found nothing. The image itself works and are displayed ok.

Can anyone help?

Here is the extracted definition from the xsd:

                <xsd:complexType name="OpenCmsEnersenArticleSimple">
                                               <xsd:element name="ImageTop" type="OpenCmsVfsFile" />
                               <xsd:attribute name="language" type="OpenCmsLocale" use="required"/>


Alt godt/best regards, hilsen Atle Enersen.
Telefon: +47 48 06 31 71

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