OS: Linux RedHat 7.0 English It is assumed that Sun's JDK 1.2.2 is already correctly installed. Installation ************ 1) MySQL o package: mysql-3.23.22-6.i386.rpm (RedHat 7.0 CD 2) o package: mysql-server-3.23.22-6.i386.rpm (RedHat 7.0 CD 2) o installed both packages using rpm -i o use webmin to configure mysqld to start automatically o start and test mysql 2) Apache JServ o package: ApacheJServ-1.1.2-1.i386.rpm (downloaded from Apache Site) o installed package o restart web server o test using browser to url: http://server/servlets/IsItWorking 3) OpenCMS V4.1.44 o package: opencms-4xxx.zip (from www.opencms.com) o unpack to /usr/local/opencms o required: mm.mysql-2.0.2-bin.jar (mysql jdbc driver from www.mysql.com) xerces-*.jar (Apache or with Apache's Cocoon distribution) o Create: /home/httpd/servlets/ExternalComponents /home/httpd/servlets/logs o set owner/group of the logs directory to nobody: chmod -R apache /home/httpd/servlets/logs chgrp -R apache /home/httpd/servlets/logs o Copy: xerces_1_2.jar to /home/httpd/servlets/ExternalComponents/xerces.jar mm.mysql-2.0.2-bin.jar to /home/httpd/servlets/ExternalComponents/mysql.jar o Copy: /usr/local/opencms/opencms.jar /home/httpd/servlets /usr/local/opencms/conf/opencms.properties /home/httpd/servlets /usr/local/opencms/conf/registry.xml /home/httpd/servlets/opencms-registry.xml o edit: /home/httpd/servlets/opencms.properties - in the section "Configuration of the registry", change the registry variable to: # # Configuration of the registry ###################################### registry = /home/httpd/servlets/opencms-registry.xml - change the database name from opencms41 to opencms so you have the following: resourcebroker.mySql.url = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/opencms - set the following: # # Exportpoint parameters ######################## exportpoint.0 = /pics/ exportpoint.path.0 = /var/www/html/pics/ exportpoint.1 = /download/ exportpoint.path.1 = /var/www/html/download/ exportpoint.2 = /system/workplace/pics/ exportpoint.path.2 = /var/www/html/pics/system/ - and: log.file=/home/httpd/servlets/logs/opencms.log o Database Setup - cd /usr/local/opencms/config - execute: mysqladmin create opencms - execute: mysql opencms < mysql.sql - check that the tables have been created using webmin. o Configure OpenCMS - cd /usr/local/opencms - create directory: /var/www/http/opencms - copy: worksplace/pics to /var/www/http/opencms/ - Create directory: /var/www/http/opencms/download - change owner: chmod -R apache.apache opencms - Create directory: /usr/local/opencms/build - Edit config/cmssetup.txt and make following changes: -> importResources "/usr/local/opencms/workplace/" -> writeExportPath "/usr/local/opencms/build/" - cd /usr/local/opencms - execute: java -Xmx64000K -classpath /home/httpd/servlets/opencms.jar:/home/httpd/servlets/ExternalComponents/xerces.jar:/home/httpd/servlets/ExternalComponents/mysql.jar com.opencms.core.CmsShell /home/httpd/servlets/opencms.properties < config/cmssetup.txt - Wait while setup runs. - execute: java -Xmx64000K -classpath /home/httpd/servlets/opencms.jar:/home/httpd/servlets/ExternalComponents/xerces.jar:/home/httpd/servlets/ExternalComponents/mysql.jar com.opencms.core.CmsShell /home/httpd/servlets/opencms.properties - At the login: -> login Admin admin -> readFile "/system/workplace/action/start.html" System should output: -> [Resource]:/system/workplace/action/start.html , Project=1 , User=1 , Group=1 : Access=rwvrwvr-v- : Resource-type=2 o Configure Apache's JServ - cd /etc/httpd/conf/jserv - edit: jserv.properties -> add to line: wrapper.bin.parameters=-Xmx64000K - edit: zone.properties -> add to the section List of Repositories: repositories=/home/httpd/servlets/opencms.jar repositories=/home/httpd/servlets/ExternalComponents/xerces.jar repositories=/home/httpd/servlets/ExternalComponents/mysql.jar -> add to the section Servlet Aliases: servlet.opencms.code=com.opencms.core.OpenCmsServlet -> add to the section Servlet Init Parameters: servlet.opencms.initArgs=properties=/home/httpd/servlets/opencms.properties - Restart the Apache Web Server: /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd stop /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start o Login to OpenCMS http://your.server/servlets/opencms/system/workplace/action/login.html and login with: - User: Admin - Password: admin o Security **** WARNING: Making the following changes DOES NOT WORK at the moment **** After you have managed to install OpenCms you should have a look at the security. Change the admin password of OpenCms by calling the user preferences ("hammer" icon on the workplace main screen). After that you can add a password to the mySQL database. Enter the following commands at the mySQL command line. > use mysql; > insert into user values ('localhost', 'ocmsuser', \ password('XXXXX'),'N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N'); > insert into db values ('localhost', 'opencms', \ 'ocmsuser', 'Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y'); > flush privileges; Don't forget to add the new user and his password into all connect strings to the database. The new user can now only connect to the OpenCms Tables. - edit: /home/httpd/servlets/opencms.properties and change the following accordingly: resourcebroker.mySql.user = ocmsuser resourcebroker.mySql.password = XXXXX