*** *** Installation Guide: OpenCms (4.1.53) under Tomcat 3.2.1 (Final) and Apache 1.3.12 *** *** Created: 04.02.2001 23:30 *** *** Author: Simon Wilks/silion ag (simon.wilks@silion.ch) *** *** Notes: *** This guide should be used in combination with existing installation documentation for the mentioned *** products. *** *** I have tested OpenCms with Tomcat 3.2.1 only briefly but it works so far ;o) *** Login in, browsing, project tasks (create and publish) etc seem to work so far. *** *** Please advise me of any problems or improvements! *** *** 1. Install Apache 1.3.12, your database system, Tomcat and OpenCms according to the products installation guides. 2. Once you have completed the standard OpenCms installation up to the point of testing the installation using the command line mode you are then ready to configure it with your servlet engine, in this case Tomcat. Follow the steps below instead of what appears in the OpenCms install guide for configuring it with JServ: 3. Copy the directory '\workplace\pics' to the directory: '\htdocs' 4. and (for testing purposes) into the directory '\webapps\ROOT'. 5. Add the lines: 'zones=root' and 'wrapper.bin.parameters=-mx64M' to the file: '\conf\tomcat.properties' if they are not already present. 6. Create the directory '\webapps\opencms' 7. Create the directory '\webapps\opencms\WEB-INF' 8. In the WEB-INF directory, create a file called 'web.xml' which contains: opencms com.opencms.core.OpenCmsServlet properties /config/opencms.properties opencms /opencms/* NOTE: Don't forget to change '' above or you won't be happy! 9. Create the directory '\webapps\opencms\WEB-INF\lib' and copy the following files into this directory: opencms.jar mysql.jar (or whatever your DB's JDBC JAR file is called) 10. Copy the Xerces JAR file (eg: xerces_2_1.jar) to '\lib' and RENAME IT to 'axerces.jar'. This will ensure that it is loaded BEFORE Tomcat's XML parser. NOTE: I don't know what effect this may have on anything else running under Tomcat! 11. (Optional) Copy the directory '\workplace\pics' to the directory: '\webapps\opencms' This is only needed when testing the config with Tomcat as a standalone webserver. It works though Tomcat displays a socket error in the console window...don't know why yet. 12. Edit the '\conf\server.xml' file and add the following in the section labeled 'Special webapps': Note : path="/" is critical and is what has been causing problems with installing OpenCms under Tomcat 3.2.1. If you define path="opencms" then you have to enter a URL in the browser that looks like this: 'http://localhost/opencms/servlet/opencms/system/workplace/action/login.html' You can login but you will soon have problems when OpenCms issues a POST to /system/..... 13. You can now test the previous steps by starting Tomcat with the 'startup' command in the '\bin' directory and entering the URL: 'http://localhost:8080/opencms/system/workplace/action/login.html' A login window should be displayed. Login with Admin and admin (that's user and password respectively). Shutdown Tomcat. 14. Copy the file 'ApacheModuleJServ.dll' (jakarta.tomcat.org) into the directory '\modules'. 15. In the file: '\conf\httpd.conf' you must add the following command (on the last line is OK): 'Include /conf/tomcat.conf'. 16. In the file '\conf\tomcat.conf' add the following: ApJServMount /servlet/opencms /root NOTE: /servlet is something new here! Don't miss it! 17. Start (or restart) Apache and then Tomcat. Test your setup by entering the URL: 'http://localhost/servlet/opencms/system/workplace/action/login.html'. That's it! If it doesn't, let me know...maybe I missed a step in my enthusiasm!