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<TITLE>Content Definition Creation and Template Elements</TITLE>
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<P><FONT SIZE=2>Hi there,</FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=2> Newbie to OpenCMS and to the mailing list; just evaluating the product for a client. I'll try and keep my questions as brief as I can:</FONT></P>
<P><FONT SIZE=2> 1. I saw in the list archives that somebody was looking for some example code on creating Content Definitions (CDs) in OpenCMS, as the documentation on CDs is a bit sparse. Does anybody have these example files lying around, or can point me to some more detailed documentation on making CDs?</FONT></P>
<P><FONT SIZE=2> 2. In my JSPs that I create that are linked to jsp template files (ie. files stored as /system/modules/<my module>/jsptemplates/<template>.jsp), I tried to include some elements that I had defined in my jsp template file, ex.</FONT></P>
<P> <FONT SIZE=2><cms:template element="header"></FONT>
<BR> <FONT SIZE=2><p>This is my article <i><b>title</b></i></p></FONT>
<BR> <FONT SIZE=2></cms:template></FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=2> ...which I include in my JSPs as:</FONT>
<P> <FONT SIZE=2><cms:include property="template" element="header" /></FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=2> Naming the element "header" seems to work fine. I can rename it "mytestelement" or "stephen" and it seems to work fine after changing the include to match it. But as soon as I name the element "myTestElement" or introduce any capitals into the name of the element, the JSP stops including that element. No error messages are displayed on screen and there is nothing in the OpenCMS log file that I can see as an error.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT SIZE=2> Are there any special rules that should be followed when naming elements in templates? Capitalization seems to be a rule, but maybe there's something wrong with our installation?</FONT></P>
<P><FONT SIZE=2> Thanks in advance, any leads appreciated...</FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=2> Cheers,</FONT>
<BR> <FONT SIZE=2>Stephen Scholtz</FONT>
<BR> <FONT SIZE=2>Interactive Developer</FONT>
<BR> <FONT SIZE=2>www.bluespark.com</FONT>