I intalled Lucene search module 1.5 succefully. I added the following tags to the registry.xml but still .pdf & .doc files won't get indexed . They are type binary. Is there somthing wrong with the entries. .txt files are indexed and can be searched.
<pageDocFactory enabled="true" type="page">
<plainDocFactory enabled="true" type="plain">
<fileType name="plaintext">
<fileType name="taggedtext">
<!-- This will strip tags before processing -->
<jspDocFactory enabled="false" type="jsp">
<docFactory enabled="true" type="news">
<docFactory enabled="true" type="forum">
<docFactory enabled="false" type="XML Template"/>
<docFactory enabled="true" type="binary">
<fileType name="pdftext">
<fileType name="wordtext">
<directory location="/TBOKCMS/Documents/">
<section>TBOK CMS</section>
<contentDefinition type="news">
<listMethod name="getNewsList">
<param type="java.lang.Integer">1</param>
<param type="java.lang.String">-1</param>
<page uri="/news.html?__element=entry">
<param method="getIntId" name="newsid"/>
<contentDefinition type="forum">
<listMethod name="getSortedList">
<param type="java.lang.String"/>
<page uri="/forum.html?forumtemplate=viewcontributionentry">
<param method="getId" name="conid"/>
need some help
Miyuru C. Ratnayake<p><font face=arial size=-1>Do you Yahoo!?<br>
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