<TITLE>Best way to upgrade production server</TITLE>
>From everything I've read, and the process we currently have in place for our development server, the only way to upgrade OpenCms is:<BR>
- export database/user names and groups/modules from your existing instance of OpenCms<BR>
- delete your /opencms folder<BR>
- install the new version of OpenCms using your new .war file<BR>
- re-import the modules/database<BR>
This process is problematic within a production environment, as this creates a large amount of downtime. Can anyone suggest any other methods (in particular, from 6b1 to 6b2)? Some theories (let me know if they are possible):<BR>
A. Overwrite the opencms.jar file in /opencms/WEB-INF/lib/<BR>
B Install OpenCms within a dev environment, and overwrite folders {MYSQL}\data\opencms and {TOMCAT}\webapps\opencms on production when dev is stabilized.<BR>
Any other working methods would be welcome!<BR>
<FONT COLOR="#0000FF"><B><BR>
</B></FONT><B>Alexis Torreno <BR>
</B>Web Developer<BR>
</B>Head Office<BR>
66 The Esplanade<BR>
Toronto, ON M5E 1A6<BR>
Voice 416.362.4833 X 246<BR>
Fax 416.362.5824<BR>
<FONT COLOR="#0000FF"><U>alexis@tsworld.com<BR>
</U></FONT><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">www.tsworld.com<BR>
</FONT><FONT COLOR="#808080"><BR>
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</B>Nous développons et lançons de grandes idées <BR>
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